Why Dynatrace falls short

As the exclusive provider of both Synthetic Monitoring and Internet Synthetic Monitoring, Catchpoint stands out as the only platform purpose-built for complete Internet Stack visibility.  

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APM limitations and challenges

APM emerged 30 years ago for monolithic, 3-tier applications on local, on-premises infrastructure without virtualization, where infrastructure metrics lacked elasticity. While APM has good insight into application logs, traces, and infrastructure metrics, it faces several limitations and challenges.

No end user perspective

APM has no ability to proactively test from the user’s location leads to UX blindspots, as performance can vary significantly depending on location, network provider, and device type.

Limited SaaS & PaaS visibility

APM provides limited or no data on SaaS and PaaS applications result in missed insights into potential infrastructure or integration bottlenecks, making you reactive to issues beyond your control.

No external visibility

APM only gives a limited view of the Internet Stack or third-party dependencies obscures the identification of external factors like Internet outages, overloaded CDNs, or API slowdowns, leading to finger-pointing and delayed troubleshooting.

No global performance visibility

APM has no visibility into global or regional performance hinders understanding of how users in different locations experience your application, potentially causing dissatisfaction among customers in specific regions.

High alert thresholds

APM alerts only trigger when a threshold percentage of errors is reached. This approach might cause you to miss subtle but consistent performance issues, leading to gradual user frustration before the threshold is met.

real-world resilience

APM can’t measure real-world resilience. This might leave you unprepared for unexpected traffic surges or infrastructure failures, leading to downtime and revenue loss.

Why use Catchpoint’s IPM and Dynatrace together?

Greater visibility

Pair 2,600+ observability locations across cloud, backbone, enterprise, last mile, and wireless with 40+ test types.

The world's first IPM Platform

Catchpoint goes deeper and broader into layers of Internet Stack, beyond APM & NPM.

Simplified pricing

Catchpoint's pricing model simplifies cost predictions and enhances cost-effectiveness.

Compare Catchpoint’s industry leading IPM platform to Dynatrace



Cloud hosting & monitoring
Independent & neutral
Hosted on Azure, dependent
40+ out of the box
Only 3
Comprehensive monitoring
Every part of the Internet: network, web application, front-end, app stack traces
Monitors only the application performance
BGP monitoring
1,200 peers; 400 ASNs
No capability
DNS monitoring
2 different test types: (1) DNS Direct, and (2) DNS Experience – comprehensive & customizable
Only Public endpoint. No flood monitoring or record verification
Data retention
3 years
35 days
Real-time webhook integration
Single pane of glass view (without sacrificing best-of-breed IPM data)
Lacks direct webhook event pushing; it requires a script or plugin to poll and send events
Advanced analytics
Infinite custom KPIs, Customizable experience scores, and Exclusive advanced calculations
Limited KPIs. No experience score concept
Deep visibility
IPM monitors what matters from where it matters: the critical layers of the Internet Stack from the user’s perspective – not just applications
No 360-degree visibility of digital services that impact end users (customers, workforce, website experiences)
Global & real-time Internet health
Internet Sonar identifies 3rd party outages in real-time that impact business
Lacks the ability to provide real-time, global Internet health insights at-a-glance
Visual map of application health
Depicts application performance status in a simple and real-time diagram to simply troubleshooting
Lacks the ability to simplify complex, hard-to-interpret reports about application status in real-time

Catchpoint is the exclusive provider of both synthetics monitoring and Internet synthetics monitoring. Learn the difference.

Stay connected to the tools you love.

Catchpoint offers out-of-the box integrations and can integrate with APM. View all integrations.

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APM and IPM can work together to address business requirements

SAP uses the experience-based monitoring data from Catchpoint to be their 'North Star' alongside Dynatrace.

  • SAP used the experience-based monitoring data from Catchpoint to be their 'North Star' alongside their existing APM tool.
  • By combining APM and Catchpoint IPM to adopt a proactive stance, they reduced their root cause and troubleshooting time from 180 minutes to just 3 minutes.
  • SAP was able to eliminate war rooms and achieve faster resolution.

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